Conversations and Animal Gifts

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


In the light of the killings in Newtown last week, I was reminded of attending a training session for Certified Lifeline Practitioners To Be last August in Chicago. On Sunday, Dr. Darren Weissman did a group Lifeline session for the Sikh community that lost its members to violence the week before. This was done in conjunction with many people and groups across our nation and the world to collectively send love and healing on this day. What Dr. Darren talked about was violence is not something that happens "out there" or "by somebody else." It is the collective out picturing of our collective inner violence, rage and hatred. It is deeper than just a lone gunman going on a killing spree. The morning after the Newtown murders, I was watching television and noticed how violent we are - commercials, sports, politics, numerous TV shows with crime, wars, killing and guns galore. We are a violent people. I think I got maybe for the first time, on an emotional level anyway, that I HARBOR VIOLENT THOUGHTS. I HARBOR RAGE. I harbor rage and intolerance against the "right." I harbor rage and anger beyond words to those who kill, maim and destroy animals. And I have fed my rage and hatred by watching shows that fuel these feelings, or reading Facebook. I was shocked prior to the election to see and read the venom that was spewed to or about those that did not believe as another did. And there were times I shot back. And then felt bad about it and decided to stop.

I had a stockpile of 3 or 4 guns years ago - a couple of pistols, a shotgun, a rifle. I did not think much about it - I thought it was kind of cool to go out and shoot guns at the rock quarry. When someone suggested to me I might want to get rid of them at a time when I was having trouble with depression, I thought he was over reacting. But I did eventually get rid of them. It was not hard to do as a there were people I knew who couldn't wait to get the guns.  

My prayer of late has been to really try and be a loving and tolerant person to everybody and to quit judging. Do you know how hard this is? We do not have an easy task here. 

There is a different way to be, but I believe there is no getting "there" without being able to be "here" in the muck and mire, conscious as we can be. There are old and new hurts, injustices, unbelievable tragedy and limiting beliefs that no longer serve us as a people. As President Obama said, "These tragedies must end, and to end them WE must change." There are way too many changes that need to take place to discuss in this forum, but I offer one way to begin to change from the inside - where it all has to start.

Reach out, talk to someone. Tell them your secrets, what is it you not wanting to talk about?  Is there someone you are concerned about but do not know what to do for them? 

I would like to hear  from you. And, if you think you would like to hear more about the Lifeline Technique, and how it can help to change old ways of being and perceiving life, I am taking new clients and would love to talk with you. 

You can go to and send me a message.

There also are Certified Lifeline Practitioners in most states and some countries besides the USA. Click here to find one near you: 
(Push on the Training tab and select "Find a Certified Practitioner")


The Wisdom of Dude - Vol 3.

This column will provide examples of wisdom I learn from my cat, Little Dude, otherwise known as “Dude.”  He teaches me daily about life, love, and how to take care of yourself and trust your instincts.

Today's lesson: Sometimes you just 
have to take a break from the hustle and bustle 
and lay down in your tube. You know?

This time of year seems busier than most, with all the parties,
great concerts, beautiful lights to see and sounds to hear.
They just all get added to work, self care, hanging with friends and if you listen to yourself you know, there are those times that you have to take a break. Why not take it in your tube? So, once again, thanks Dude!
Animal Gifts and Funnies

Any cat owner knows this would be heartbreaking to a kitty cat :)

A little cat Christmas humor :)

Some Thoughts on Wolves

Most of you know by now how much I love wolves. They are amazing animals in so many ways. And, I am speechless to try and talk about the killings and harm that have come to them this time around with us humans. I thought what they endured during the 1800's when they were made extinct was bad enough. We are a advanced people, right? I do not wish to spend time here giving any more cred to those who are doing violence with them. Instead, I'd like to focus on people that are really living and modeling love for species of all kinds. I offer the latest stories of what is happening at the Earthfire Institute. These people really do inspire me. Enjoy the stories:

Please love your families, your children and your animals extra hard right now.
We all need it.

Peace Out


Holiday Blog

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


When I was in Chicago a few years ago at a training to become a Certified Lifeline Practitioner, I woke up in the middle of the night with a racing brain, feeling anxiety in my body. I could not go back to sleep. I tried everything to no avail, so why not practice a mind portal that I was learning about. I asked if I had a "core limiting belief" operating. The answer was yes. As I went through the steps of finding what it was, I was not surprised to learn that this limiting belief had started at the point of my conception. Weird you say? Do you believe we carry energetic memory in our subconscious? I know a little bit about what was going on in my family at that time, and it did not surprise me when I found the core limiting belief to be "hatred." Interestingly enough, I have since had numerous Lifeline sessions and will often have core limiting beliefs that occurred at the point of conception. Think about it - it is when life on this plane begins, and when all the energetic forces of past, present and future come together. It often appears when I am embarking on some change, or know I need to take a step and feel paralyzed to do so. And, with the ability to shift and harmonize this energy, the next right step is there.
 Are you interested in experiencing this for yourself?
 I am taking new clients and would love to work with you. 
and send me a message. 
There also are Certified Lifeline Practitioners in most states and some countries besides the USA. Click here to find one near you: 
(Push on the Training tab and select "Find a Certified Practitioner")

A Gift Idea

In 2008, I was thinking about a gift idea for a good friend. She was celebrating a milestone anniversary in the month of December.  She is probably one of the most spiritual and kind people I know and I wanted to do something special. The idea came to create what I later came to call an upright version of an advent calendar, to be started on December 1 and ending on December 25, with 25 wise and sometimes funny sayings on small decorative pieces of paper. She was to pick one each day, and take time to enjoy a message of love. As I said to her "Thanks for being my friend, mentor, wise woman and such a model for aging with grace." 

I have to say she loved it and I have since given them to other friends in a beautiful glass candle holder, or decorative jar or box. So, for this season of giving and taking time to be grateful for all that we have been given, I will share a few of my favorite quotes. I hope you take a little time to enjoy them, and savor a little time for you! And maybe this will provide a new gift idea for someone. 

"The really great thing about cats is their endless variety. One can pick a cat to fit almost any kind of color, décor, income, personality and mood. But under the fur, whatever color it may be, there still lies, essentially unchanged, one of the world’s free souls" - Eric Gurney

"Evolved people race to see who can forgive first" – Michael Bernard Beckwith

"It’s been said that the only one who welcomes change is a wet baby" - Jesse Jennings 

"Easter means you can put the truth in a grave, but you can’t keep it there"
 – Anne Lamott

                      "The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook" - Anonymous

"A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimension" 
– Oliver Wendell Holmes

"A young monk asked the master, “How can I ever get liberated?” The master replied, “Who has ever put you in bondage?” – Jack Kornfield

The Wisdom of Dude

This column provides examples of wisdom I learn from my cat, Little Dude, otherwise known as “Dude.”  He teaches me daily about life, love, and how to take care of yourself and trust your instincts.

Lesson #2 

“When you are not feeling well, you hunker down, go inside and tend to yourself.”

About 6 months ago, Dude had an impacted anal gland, and all I could see was he was not his usual self. He was not getting up, he was licking himself constantly and was not all that interested in food. He rolled himself up in a tight ball and would look up when I came near him but that was about it. 

I, of course, was concerned and was debating whether to take him to the ER vet that night or to Dr. Jackie the next day. He did not seem in pain so I decided to wait until the morning and see how he was.  Sometime after I went to bed, he curled his body between my shoulder, neck and head – quite a feat for a long legged 14 lb. cat. He purred and clearly was coming for comfort. Sometime during the night, he opened up the gland himself and when we went to see Dr. Jackie, she was amazed at how he was able to open it up and clean it – all that was needed was time to heal and antibiotics. When we went back several weeks later for a check up, he was all healed up. What a wise little guy.

I have had some recent hurts myself of the emotional kind. It wasn’t until talking to a trusted friend and mentor that I realized how when I am hurt by someone that it is normal to hunker down, be somewhat protective, tend to myself, and want to be where and with those who I get comfort from – especially when it hits one of the very old hurts. And, it is an opportunity to process the hurt and move to a place of healing.  Thanks Dude!

Further Musings:

As Fall gives way to wet, rain and winter, I leave you with some beautiful pictures from the maple trees in my is like a light show out there!

Magnificent color!

This tree starts to change colors usually in early September, and goes through a transformation like none other I have is an honor to watch this tree go out in glory every year. I seem to be very aware of when this trees starts to change.

Anyone who is listening as I walk or drive by will hear the "oohs" and "aahs or "oh my God" as the reds and oranges take over. 

What am I grateful for this holiday season? To live in the Pacific Northwest where Mother Nature constantly reminds us that we are connected to her - the wind, the rain, the snow, the cold, the damp. the sunny days that sneak's all good.

Enjoy whatever season you celebrate ..... Peace out.